When you enter iProfile 3.1, the active profile will be displayed across the toolbar. For example in this image, Angela Watson's profile is active. If you create multiple profiles, you can see which profile you are accessing from any screen by looking here. You can change this profile by going to the Profile tab and using the pull down menu to Select Profile.
Click on the Profile tab to access this profile. You can change this profile by using the pull down menu to Select Profile.
To create a new profile, click on "Create a New Profile" in the list to your left. You'll be asked to name your profile and enter the date of birth, sex, height, weight, and activity level. If you select Female, boxes for Pregnant or Lactating will appear. iProfile does not contain data for pregnant or lactating women over 50 years of age.
This section asks you if you are a smoker, since all smokers need an additional 35 mg of Vitamin C. If you are exposed to second-hand smoke daily, you should click this button as well.
The program asks if you are a vegetarian since the iron requirements are increased for vegetarians. The increase in the amount of iron in the diets of vegetarians is to account for the lower bioavailability of the nonheme iron in plant foods.
If you follow a vegan diet, your iron requirements are the same as those for other vegetarian diets.
When you've entered all of your information into the Profile screen, remember to click the "Save Changes" button.
You can change any of the data (height, weight, age, etc) in any profile. Be sure to click the "Save Changes" button so that your changes are saved into the program.
To delete a profile, click on the heading "Delete This Profile" in the menu on the left. You can also Export or Import a profile so that you can share them with others.
Body Mass Index, or BMI, is calculated by dividing weight (in kilograms) by height (in meters) squared. iProfile 3.1 will automatically calculate the profile's BMI, based on the weight and height data that you provide.
To determine your activity level, click on the heading "What is My Activity Level?" in the Profile section. This link provides a description of the 4 activity levels used in this program and a table that provides some examples of activities that are considered activities of daily living, moderate intensity activities, and vigorous activities.
Your activity level is important for estimating how many kilocalories you need each day to maintain your body weight. You can change your Activity Level by going back to the Profile, selecting a different activity level, and saving your changes.
Located in the menu on the left, this tool can help you determine when you will reach your desired weight, losing or gaining 0.5-2 pounds per week. It will also help you determine the number of kilocalories you need to add to or subtract from your daily intake, in order to reach your goal weight.
You can view the Dietary Reference Intakes recommendations for any of your profiles by clicking on "My DRI" in the menu on the left. This will bring you to the reports section of the program.
To export a particular profile and/or saved data, click on "Export Data" and select a location to save the file. This will create a file that can be emailed to an instructor or colleague. The recipient can then import the file and see all data saved in the iProfile, the Food Journal and the Activity Journal. The file format is a .iprofile file, which can only be opened within the iProfile program.
To import a profile and/or saved data, click on "Import Data" and select the location of the file and click "Import". This will import a file for viewing the user data in Profile, Food Journal and Activity Journal. The file format is a .iprofile or .iprofile2 file, which can only be opened within the iProfile program.